Produced by pressing the fresh yuzu (the Japanese lemon) directly with olives from our domain, this oil is great with white fish. It can be used also with salad and some desserts (pancakes…). This oil was rewarded in 2017 at the fair ‘Saveurs’ in Paris Porte de Champerret.
You can use this olive oil ‘pepper and spices’ on a grill or in a soup. It will make any warm vegetable tastier.
Unexpected use: try it on a red fruit salad! Made from several peppers (Sichuan…), this olive oil gives several waves of spice in the mouth.
This olive oil with boletus is excellent on a simple omelet, in a risotto or with fresh pasta. You can prepare a risotto with basic mushroom and make it taste like boletus thanks to this Symphonies.
This olive oil with lemon is ideal on a white fish, with crustaceans or in a salad.
The oil ‘Thyme & Rosemary’ will take you directly to Provence. It can be used on mashed potatoes, on a grill, in a soup or on warm vegetables (green beans, ratatouille…)